As summer unfolds, Huangyan’s unique seasonal treasures release a captivating fragrance that permeates this historic "Sweet City." Following the scent, one can truly experience the essence of Huangyan.
In Banshan Village, nestled in the deep valleys of the Fushan Great Rift Valley Scenic Area, a timeless charm emanates from the village’s streams, architecture, stone bridges, and ancient trees. Located halfway up the mountain, Banshan Village combines natural beauty with a historical ambiance.
Huangyan bamboo carving, a tradition dating back to the Qing Dynasty, retains its unique allure even after hundreds of years. These bamboo products, with their hints of refreshing fragrance and scholarly character, embody a distinct Eastern beauty.
Meanwhile, the wine from Jinshanling in Huangyan continues the wisdom of ancient brewing techniques, maintaining its rustic and mellow character.
The fragrance of Huangyan is a blend crafted by nature and time, capturing the unique grace of this Jiangnan region.